Home pick-ups would be replaced with drop-off points Hampshire County Council planning to scrap a transport scheme that take thousands of disabled children to school to save £1m. Hillingdon council, covering Boris Johnson’s constituency, planning to close all three of its nurseries, which provide more than 100 childcare places across the borough Leeds city council cancelling Bonfire Night events in six locations next month to save £200,000 of non-essential spending at a time of budget pressures Gateshead Council looking at closing two leisures centres deemed “unaffordable” as it grapples with a £6.5m shortfall Wirral Council shutting nine libraries by the end of this month, with two being handed to community and church groups Some of the current and impending cuts include: The data suggested the cumulative funding gap is to worsen to more than £5.28bn in 2024/25. Unison’s investigation found that waste collections, leisure centres, nurseries and other vital services are already being cut in some local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales as they prepare for a tough year ahead. It is looking at cost-cutting measures on everything from cutting the grass less often to spending less on children’s home placements. In Lancashire, the council said this week that its project shortfall has almost trebled, from £30.5m to £87m – even bigger than Birmingham. Kent county council said it was increasing its projected overspend to £70m, up from £50m just three months ago, with its Conservative council leader telling colleagues: “We’ve never been looking at a projected set of pressures on this scale no one should doubt the gravity of the situation.” It said not a single department would be immune from cuts. Edinburgh council reported this week it is also facing a £80m black hole, up from £70m last month, with the Labour local leader warning of “probably the worst cuts I’ve seen in my time in this council”. In the last few days, the numbers have worsened in several major council areas. Unison said its data shows the biggest budget shortfall of £80m next year is being faced by Birmingham city council, which lists Liz Truss’s mini-budget as one of the contributing factors in its worsening finances. The trade union Unison collected data from 391 councils, compiled through freedom of information requests and financial statements, and found that almost nine in 10 have a predicted budget gap in the 2023/24 financial year.